ICT 4 all Exposition, 15-19 novembre, Kram Palexpo, Tunis, Tunisie

Hallplan & Themes

The ICT 4 all exhibition and partnership area has 4 themes. These themes are integrated into the architecture of the entire exhibition and partnership area in the form of quartiers.

All exhibits must relate to the priority themes of the ICT 4 all Exhibition.

Click on the map to view the current interactive hallplan


The hallmap is subject to change


The ICT 4 all Exhibition showcases concrete ICT applications that contribute to the sustainable development of national cyber strategies, focusing particularly on the following areas:

  • public administration (electronic administration)
  • business (e-business)
  • education (e-learning)
  • media
  • health (tele-medicine)
  • environment
  • agriculture
  • science

Inclusive access

The basis for an information society is unlimited access to information and knowledge. The ICT 4 all Exhibition showcases projects that encourage the development and production of ICT equipment and services that are accessible and affordable to all. Stakeholders from around the world showcase solutions that can be adapted to the needs of different groups, taking into consideration cultural identity, linguistic diversity, financial barriers and gender.

Development and partnership

It is essential that all stakeholders increase the level of national, regional, local and international cooperation, in order to create a lasting solidarity essential for economic and social development. The ICT 4 all Exhibition showcases projects and solutions that mobilise human capacity, technological infrastructures and financial support. It also showcases how partnerships in the field of ICTs contribute towards the fight against poverty and bridging of the digital divide through financing and the exchange of knowledge (public-private partnerships).

Research and innovation

The ICT 4 all Exhibition showcases projects from across all sectors that use the latest technological innovations and upcoming research applications to contribute to the future development of ICT for all.

ICT 4 all Exhibition
Salles de conférence
Quartier e-Solutions
Quartier Accès inclusif
Quartier Développement et Partenariat
Quartier Recherche et Innovation
Pavillons nationaux
Services spéciaux
Points de rencontre
Place centrale

© Otto Frei AG - Last update: 14 Dec 2005

WSIS ITU COSMSI Salles de conférence Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Recherche et Innovation Meeting point Meeting point Meeting point Quartier Accès Inclusif Services spéciaux Services spéciaux Services spéciaux Services spéciaux Services spéciaux Services spéciaux Services spéciaux Services spéciaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Quartier Recherche et Innovation Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Pavillons nationaux Quartier Accès Inclusif Quartier Accès Inclusif Quartier Recherche et Innovation Quartier Recherche et Innovation Quartier Recherche et Innovation Quartier Recherche et Innovation Quartier Recherche et Innovation Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat Quartier Développement et Partenariat  Quartier e-Solutions  Quartier e-Solutions  Quartier e-Solutions  Quartier e-Solutions  Quartier e-Solutions  Quartier e-Solutions Place centrale