ICT 4 all Exposition, 15-19 novembre, Kram Palexpo, Tunis, Tunisie

Main Partners WSIS Tunis 2005

Alcatel fournit des solutions de communication permettant aux opérateurs de télécoms, aux fournisseurs d'accès Internet et aux entreprises, de disposer de moyens de communication voix, données, vidéo pour leurs clients ou leurs salariés. Avec des positions de leader dans les réseaux à haut débit fixes et mobiles, ainsi que dans les applications et les services, Alcatel permet à ses clients et partenaires de mettre l'utilisateur au coeur du haut débit. Avec un chiffre d'affaires de 12,3 milliards d'euros et 56 000 salariés en 2004, Alcatel est présent dans plus de 130 pays.


BIEN VU est la première Régie Publicitaire en Tunisie en termes d'emplacements stratégiques et qualité de service. En effet, tous nos emplacements sont sur des axes routiers où trafiquent plus de 45 000 voitures et jusqu'à 87 000 voitures par jours. De plus BIEN VU participent à tous les grands événements de la Tunisie tel que:
Partenaire Officiel et Afficheur de la coupe du Monde Hand Ball 2005.
Partenaire du Open Tennis en Tunisie.



Mobile communication can create value and increase quality of life. This is the essence of Ericsson's vision of an all communicating world and the basis of our Communication for All strategy. Telecommunications technology is our core business, enabling more efficient use of the world's resources while contributing to social development and economic growth.

We are the largest supplier of mobile systems in the world and support all major standards for wireless communication. We drive the telecoms industry and we are shaping the future. The world´s 10 largest mobile operators are among our customers and some 40% of all mobile calls are made through our systems.

We provide total solutions - from systems and applications to services and core technology for mobile handsets. With Sony Ericsson we are also a top supplier of complete mobile multi-media products.

We have been active worldwide since 1876 and we are today present in more than 140 countries. Our headquarters are located in Stockholm, Sweden.


La Poste Tunisienne offre aux entreprises et aux particuliers des services en ligne et des solutions technologiques pour tirer partie des apports des TIC . Plusieurs produits électroniques ont permis la migration de la Poste vers le numérique grâce à un Partenariat Public Privé avec le secteur privé exerçant dans les nouvelles technologies :Transferts Electroniques d'argent, Paiements Electroniques, Messagerie Sécurisée, Commerce Electronique, Logistique Electronique et e-Learning.



At Microsoft, we believe that every successful corporation has a responsibility to use its resources and influence to make a positive impact on the world and its people. Our responsibility as a global corporate citizen is grounded in our company values and mission, manifested through our business operations and practices, and carried out by Microsoft employees and suppliers worldwide. Microsoft's Global Citizenship work is focused on mobilizing our resources across the company and around the world to create opportunities in the communities where we do business, foster economic growth, and serve the public good through innovative technologies and partnerships with government, industry, and community organizations.



En vertu d'un accord signé à Tunis, entre la compagnie aérienne nationale Tunisair et le Comité d'organisation du Sommet mondial sur la société de l'information (Cosmsi), le transporteur public s'engage à sponsoriser le sommet mondial sur la societe de l'information (Smsi) dont la deuxième phase se tiendra en novembre prochain, à Tunis, avec la participation de plus de 17 mille représentants de 192 pays.


Tunisie Télécom c'est:

Plus de 1,250 million d'abonnés au Réseau Fixe

Plus de 3 millions d'abonnés au Réseau GSM

Plus de 15 000 abonnés aux Réseaux de Transmission des données

Un taux de pénétration téléphonique qui dépasse les 42%

06 Centres d'assistance à la clientèle de la téléphonie Fixe, Mobile et Data

Plus de 70 Agences commerciales au service de la clientèle

Plus de 50 Centres de construction des lignes

Un effectif de 8000 agents hautement qualifiés

Un taux d'encadrement qui dépasse les 33%

18% de croissance annuelle du chiffre d'affaires


Official Partners WSIS Tunis 2005


Point 1. We are spreading across the world.

Searching for understanding ?

You're in a crowded city, or open territory with no infrastructure, or a region where people don't pay their bills. You need a partner who understands your local conditions. We hear you.

Huawei has set up 8 regional headquarters and 55 branch offices across the world. And we are constantly expanding.

Because we believe that to really understand your needs, we need to be right there with you working hand in hand in your own location. That way we can always be sure of providing you with the finest global technology tailored perfectly to your local needs.

Every day more and more leading operators around the world are turning to Huawei for understanding.

Technology Changes. Communication Lasts.


Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. is a global leader in semiconductor, telecommunication, digital media and digital convergence technologies with 2004 parent company sales of US$55.2 billion and net income of US$10.3 billion. Employing approximately 113,000 people in over 90 offices in 48 countries, the company consists of five main business units: Digital Appliance Business, Digital Media Business, LCD Business, Semiconductor Business and Telecommunication Network Business. Recognized as one of the fastest growing global brands, Samsung Electronics is a leading producer of digital TVs, memory chips, mobile phones, and TFT-LCDs. For more information, please visit www.samsung.com



With its three product series of Wireless, Network and Terminal/mobile phone, ZTE Corporation - China's largest listed telecoms equipment manufacturer, is capable of providing global customers with diversified integrated telecommunication networking solutions and a wide range of professional services on a 24×7 basis. There are 8,800 out of 25,000 ZTE's personnel involved in the R&D, and 13 wholly owned R&D Centers and Institutes in China, USA, South Korea, and Sweden. Our products of WCDMA, CDMA, NGN, GSM, Switching, Access, Optical Transmission and Terminals have already entered over 60 countries around the world. Revenues in 2004 exceeded RMB 21,220 million.


ICT 4 all Exhibition

© Otto Frei AG - Last update: 14 Dec 2005

WSIS ITU COSMSI Bien Vu Ericsson TunisAir Microsoft La poste tunisienne Tunisie Télécom Alcatel ZTE Huawei Samsung