Tunis: concept and realisationMain steps from the concept to the implementation on site: Starting pointThe UN General Assembly (resolution 56/183) decided to organise the "World Summit on the Information Society" (WSIS). This new generation of Summits with a multi-stakeholder approach set out to encourage dialogue between all sectors of society and support concrete action oriented solutions in the field of Information Communication Technologies (ICT). The Summit was held in two phases:
A "declaration of principles" and an "action plan" were adopted by participants during the first phase of the Summit. The second phase of the WSIS focused on achievements in the Information Society. The ICT for Development Platform was the major event at phase one of the WSIS, with a high-level forum, conference and exhibition providing a meeting place for multi-stakeholders from across the world. This enriching experience was followed up at phase two of the WSIS, under the name 'ICT 4 all Exhibition. MandateOtto Frei AG received the mandate from the World Summit on the Information Society Organisation Committee (COSMSI), to define and realise the concept of the major parallel event at the WSIS in Tunis 2005. SolutionOtto Frei AG proposed the ICT 4 all Exhibition: a lively exhibition space with workshops to focus on the human dimension of ICTs as a tool for development. PlanningAround 3'900 potential exhibitors were identified and contacted. The exhibition was divided up into 4 Quartiers according to key topics at the heart of ICT for all. CommunicationA PR campaign was defined to reach out to a large number of stakeholders directly concerned with ICT for Development across the world. This included the publication of promotional tools and presentation of the ICT 4 all Exhibition at the WSIS Prepcoms held in Geneva. OutcomePromise kept: The ICT 4 all Exhibition managed to unify stakeholders from different sectors under one roof, welcoming government delegates, the private sector, civil society and international organisations. +330 exhibitors |
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